Relationship etiquettes during lockdown
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Most families have never been together for this long except on holidays, and we’ve just been informed that we have three weeks holiday - together! Prediction experts claim most divorces and domestic violence happen during or immediately after family holidays. This is mostly due to underlying issues surfacing...
Living in close proximity for a long time could lead to tension and temper flares. Previously work was a way of escape for many, but now that we’re forced to work from home, what do we do? Setting boundaries and ground rules could tide us through the days ahead. Below are a few points to consider:
1. Establish Connection Points to set the tone of the day. We’ve been taught how to connect before leaving home for work, but now that home is work we don’t have to stop. To connect with your spouse in the morning - study the Bible and pray together, shower together, dress up together, cook & eat together, clean up together. Then you can start your work from home.
2. Dress appropriately - the lockdown is not an excuse not to shower or be in boxers or dressing gown all day. Look nice and smart for one another, smell nice and fresh even at home. Someone said the way you dress is the way you’ll be addressed - it applies to our relationships too. It’s even better for children to maintain their normal routine during this season as we pray for things to return to normal - shower, meditation, breakfast and study before play 🎊🤠
3. Talk to each other with respect. When we address each other with love and respect it brings out the best in everyone. Speak to the king in your husband and speak to the queen in your wife and they will respond as such. Your children are royalty too, address them with dignity and respect. Ephesians 4:29 ‘Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen’. 🥰
4. Be kind - treat others as you want to be treated. Some people are dealing with reduced office hours, depression due to job loss etc Be sensitive and understanding. They may be on edge, tearful or difficult at times - find ways to be of help and pray with them. Let them know they are not alone...🤗
5. Be wise - pick your battles. Don’t take the bait of a confrontation. Walk away before the conversation escalates into an unnecessary argument. Choose your words and actions wisely. Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”⚜️
6. Forgive and move on quickly - there’s no way we’ll be together and not offend one another. Try to understand each other’s point of view. No one is perfect, so forgive and don’t dwell on the matter. Stop sweating the little stuff..Laugh off silly mistakes, learn to overlook for the sake of peace. Best to maintain a positive environment and energy around you all day💃🏻
7. Protect your love boat - you need to protect your home physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Let love rule in every thing you do. (a) Physically you protect by cleaning, sanitising, hand washing. It’s just being responsible not acting in fear. (b) Emotionally you protect by the rules in 1-6 above through behaviour management. (c) Financially please be wise with spending in this season - not all shops are closed but online shopping is a silly addiction - don’t get sucked into it! (d) Finally, protect your family spiritually. This is not the time to be spiritually dormant. Pray and fight for your family. The enemy is not your spouse so stop attacking one another. Team up against the enemy and have wonderful lockdown 🎉🎊
Payer: Lord we pray, that families will use this time to repair their relationships, reconnect with one another, and return to their first love. Amen🙏🏽